On 9 April 2022 the Ministry of Justice issued a consultation paper entitled ‘Transforming Legal Aid’. The deadline to respond is 4 June 2013. The consultation paper announces a further round of cuts to legal aid, following closely in the wake of the Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO) which came into force on 1 April 2013. If these attacks go through they will have far reaching consequences. (see:http://www.younglegalaidlawyers.org/more_legal_aid_cuts) These will include major attacks on the rights protesters will have to defend themselves against criminalisation. Join those campaigning to resist these attacks:
What can you do
1. Find out more about the proposals. For general information about attacks on legal aid go to www.savelegalaid.co.uk and www.younglegalaidlawyers.org. For more information on how attacks will impact on protester defendants read: http://tinyurl.com/cpy4bax and http://tinyurl.com/cm48q2l
2. Download /circulate DtRtP’s 2014 bust card outlining these attacks here: Defend Legal Aid BW flyer
2. Demonstrate 22nd May, Parliament, 10.30am (see http://www.defendtherighttoprotest.org/demonstrate-against-attacks-on-legal-aid-22-may-at-old-palace-yard/ )
3. Sign the save legal aid petition http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/48628
4. Support those taking action. See: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-22330695
5. Organise responses to the governments “consultation” meetings around the country see: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/org/3715478557
Support DtRtP: If you support the campaigning work of DtRtP, help us continue by making a one off or regular donation: http://www.defendtherighttoprotest.org/financial-appeal-help-fund-defend-the-right-to-protest/
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